The Mineral Area College Department of Public Safety works cooperatively with the St. Direct Authority applies to the Main Campus of Park Hills. Francois County, Missouri with the ability to enforce the laws of the State of Missouri, as well as internal infractions within the district boundary. The Mineral Area College District Police and Department of Public Safety is a governmental authority within St. The Department of Public Safety's goal is to provide professional services and support to meet the public safety interests of Mineral Area College and all those who study, work, or visit on our campus. Public Safety capabilities on the campus are augmented by close working relationships with other first responder agencies to provide a comprehensive approach to public safety needs. Utilizing public safety services, technologies, and practices, Mineral Area College provides for the safety and security needs of the college community. Through its Department of Public Safety, and District Police Department, Mineral Area College strives to provide a safe and secure learning and working environment for the college community. Public safety is an important part of the overall educational mission of Mineral Area College. (If using college phones you MUST dial '9' first to get a line out.)